Ch. Brinkley Shakespeare in Love

Int. Ch., A Ch., SU Ch., PL Ch.

WT/D.O.B. 03.10.2003

"Mal etwas Bewegung, Freunde..." 2 Jahre alt
6 Monate alt 6 Monate alt

HD-A, frei von erblichen Augenkrankheiten (2006), audiometrisch getestet, MDR 1 +/+

zur Zucht empfohlen

excellent hips, eyes clear, baer tested, MDR 1 +/+

Barkshire's Born in the U.S.A.
Ch. Barkshire's Secret Agent Shadow Box Boogywoogy Rhythm Ch. Bahlambs Bugle Boy
Shadowbox Constant Craving
Moptop's I Wanna Thank You Ch. Barkshire Dancer by Lambluv
Ch. Barkshire's Best Bet
Ch. Barkshire's Moody Blues Ch. Bahlambs Barnyard Boss Ch. Moptop's Lambluv Master Plan
Ch. Bahlambs Barnyard Beauty
Ch. Barkshire's Shameless Ch. Barkshire Dancer by Lambluv
Ch. Barkshire's Army Brat
Brinkley Rosey Blue
Lamacres Teddy Ch. Bobbington Latin Lover Ch. Amblegait Amboyna of Stourvale
Ch. Oakfarm Beth of Bobbington
Lamacres Golly Miss Molly Bowson of Lamacres
Pockethall Shady Lady of Lamacres
Brinkley Holly Ch. Lamedazottel Flamboyant Ch. Pockethall I'mashootoo
Ch. Zottel's Miss Marple of Lameda
Brinkley Ballerina Brinkley Boy George
Brinkley Blue Pearl

Euro OES Schau Italien 2006

CACIB Innsbruck, V1 CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 3