R-Wurf aus dem Rotmaintal
Ch. Barkshire's Sweet Justice x Ch. Hazel aus dem Rotmaintal
WT: 06.06.2001, 6/2

Ch. Barkshire's Sweet Justice Ch. Hazel aus dem Rotmaintal

Ch. Barkshire's Sweet Justice
Ch. Barkshire Dancer by Lambluv Ch. Barkshire‘s Lonesome Johnny Ch. Bahlambs Barnyard Boss
Barkshire‘s Rant‘N Ravin‘
Ch. Lambluv Dymonblu Nauty‘N Nice Ch. To-Jo‘s Nice N‘Easy
Ch. Nob-Lee‘s Necessarily Nice
Barkshire's Vivacious Antic Ch. Bahlambs Barnyard Boss Ch. Moptop‘s Lambluv Master Plan
Ch. Bahlambs Barnyard Beauty
Ch. Barkshire‘s Army Brat Barkshire‘s Sergeant Major
Pinecroft Star of Barkshire
Ch. Hazel aus dem Rotmaintal
Ch. Buster Keaton aus dem Rotmaintal Ch. Familytree Footsteps Ch. Familytree Huggybear
Ch. Familytree Flirtation Walk
Ch. Shaggy Bear's Bonnet Bonnie Ch. Pockethall Prince William
Surprise Van 't Schokkerland
Rowhide's Lilly of the Valley Rowhides Huckleberry Finn Rowhide's Big Mobey Dick
Rowhide's Future Fantasies
Rowhides Gentle Touch Int. Ch. Why Not vom Karthäuser Hain
Reeuwijk's Frances Pride

Rambo aus dem Rotmaintal, Rüde
Randy aus dem Rotmaintal, Rüde
Richard Gere aus dem Rotmaintal, Rüde
Rockefeller aus dem Rotmaintal, Rüde
Rossini aus dem Rotmaintal, Rüde
Rudolph Valentino aus dem Rotmaintal, Rüde
Rhapsodie in Blue aus dem Rotmaintal, Hündin
Rose aus dem Rotmaintal, Hündin
Rambo, 6 Wochen Randy, 6 Wochen
Richard Gere, 4 Wochen
Rossini, 6 Wochen
Rudolph Valentino, 7 Wochen
Rose, 7 Wochen Rhapsodie in Blue, 5 Wochen